My Favorite Summertime Recipes

recipes summer Jul 30, 2023

Summer time food has a totally different vibe than in the cooler months. The goal with summertime food is to keep the house cool and the people happy!  In the summer it's more about simple, less work, more time to chill and enjoy.  Summertime is also typically filled with cookouts and parties so having great go-to side recipes is key!  So here they are, my faves:


  1. Low Carb “potato” Salad:

This one I promise you is shockingly delicious.  As a person who is not a big fan of cauliflower, this recipe will surprise and delight you!  It is the perfect recipe to bring as a side to a cookout! 

2. One pot sausage and summer veggies:

Why is this so dang good?  I don’t know but it is!  Something about being in one pot too just makes it feel so easy and clean up is a breeze!  This is a great way to use those veggies from your garden too!

3. Burgers.  I know what you are thinking… “REALLY?!” haha!  But yes, burgers.  Not just any burgers though.  Not the hockey puck burgers you buy at costco.  Homemade burgers.  These are so easy to make and you can make them whatever way makes you happy!  Grab some ground beef and add some seasoning like salt, pepper, garlic, onion powder or you can use something like a Montreal seasoning.  Feel free to add things in like mushrooms, cheese or bacon (cooked).  I like to make these in a big batch and freeze them in packages so I can just pull them out when I want them.  This way you are only doing the work one time but can enjoy the burgers all summer long!  You’re Welcome.

4. Summer Squash and Chive Pancakes -

This recipe is perfect for when you have yellow squash overflowing from your garden.  It’s a nice savory pancake to have as a side with a steak or grilled chicken!

5. Caprese Sandwiches - If you don’t know what this is… you have been missing out!  This is fresh basil pesto, fresh tomatoes and fresh mozzarella on a beautiful fresh baked bread.  #salivating!  We have this awesome farmers market near us and one of the vendor sells the best basil pesto you’ve had in your entire life, fresh mozz and fresh baked bread.  You can easily grab a farm fresh tomato while you are at the market or grab one out of your garden.  This is a great meal for lunch or dinner on a hot day!

6. Anything grilled - grilled steak, chicken, salmon, shrimp etc.  You can make Kabobs out of anything!  I will often marinate shrimp in olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and maybe a squeeze of lime, then throw them on kabobs and grill them.  A couple of minutes each side is all they need!  If you go the kabob route, it tends to be easier to put like things on one kabob (i.e. all veggies on one kabob and all meat on another).  Since everything has a different cooking time this can be the best way to ensure everything is cooked to your liking.

7. Stuffed Zucchini -

Okay this one takes a bit of time and the oven, but it is such a great way to use up your garden fresh zucchini and it's REALLY GOOD!  You will not be disappointed!

8. Shrimp Salad -

Salads are such a great meal to have in the summertime.  They are easy to prepare and they are cool!  This one is easy to make and had shrimp but you can sub in any protein that you like!

9. Cucumber Dill Salad -

This is a great cookout side option.  It is cool and delicious and healthy!  One of my faves for sure!

10. Grilled Pizza -

This is such a wild one!  When I first made this I was terrified that the dough was going to be a lost cause on the grill - but it actually came out perfect!!  You can of course cheat and buy naan bread in the store and use that but I can say that the ingredients in the store bought naan bread are less than ideal. Give this recipe a go!  I think you will be pleasantly surprised like I was!


Okay, that is a wrap on my summer faves!  I will as always continue to share with you more recipes as I give them a try! <3 

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