My Favorite Summertime Date Ideas

date ideas relaxation stress management summer vacation Aug 13, 2023

There are so many fun things that you can do with your hunny during the summer!  You can go all out with a date day, or you can go low key, low expense.  I am going to share some of my favorite date ideas with you and hope that you can be inspired!


  1. Railroad bikes - This particularly company has 4 different locations, but there are other companies doing the same type of thing.  Definitely do a google search in your area.  But basically you sit back and pedal, take in the beautiful scenery and you can eat and drink if you want as well!  It is truly a fun activity!
  2. Go for a hike!  There are so many great places to go for a nature walk or hike.  There is nothing better than time in nature with your babe.  I would suggest packing a nice lunch to have at the summit or end destination of your walk.
  3. Live Music - There is so much opportunity for outdoor live music during the summer.  My husband and I LOVE live music so if we can find a spot that has live music we are there!
  4. Winery or Brewery - We love to go to a winery or brewery especially when they have live music!  But even if they don’t, we can grab a bottle of wine and just sit and talk with our own snacks that we brought from home.  It is one of our favorite ways to unwind and be present with each other. 
  5. Go for a bike ride - We are big fans of being active when we can and going for a bike ride on a nice bike path is something we enjoy.  You can also make a thing of it and stop at a restaurant or pack your own picnic lunch!  Or just hit up a winery or brewery after you have finished your ride.
  6. Disc Golf - Kyle and I straight up suck at this but it's super fun to be in the woods attempting to throw this frisbee like thing into a cage of sorts.  We have laughed so hard and had such a blast doing this!  Google to find a place near you that offers this!
  7. Mini Golf - we do like golf.  LOL.  Mini golf is a bit easier than disc golf if you ask me!  This is a fun one to combine with ice cream after.  I don’t know why, but it just feels right.
  8. Watch the sunset or the sunrise - find yourself a nice spot to watch, bring along a drink or a picnic or nothing at all.  We just did this the other night - we took a little (.4 mile) hike up to a tower where you can relax and watch the sunset. It was so beautiful!  
  9. Beach Trip!!  I have mentioned this before, but we are not huge beach people but we do like the beach.  Once or Twice a summer we try to make a trip to the beach to just chill and enjoy.  Bring along your own food so you can keep it healthy. 
  10. Strawberry Picking - Kyle and I love doing this one together!  It is a fun outdoor activity.  We are focused on picking berries and having small chats with each other and then deciding is this enough?  Do we need more?  I love me some strawberry Rhubarb pie!
  11. Drive in Theatre!  At least once a year we try to hit up a drive in theatre.  You can grab a pizza or some other take out food (or make your own and bring it along!) and get to the drive in early so you can grab your spot and eat dinner while you wait for the show to begin!


There are so many things that you can do in the summer, the sky's the limit.  We also do things as simple as have a bonfire in the backyard or walk up the street to get ice cream.  I hope that you have gained some inspiration and that you have a beautiful, fun, adventurous, loving summer! <3

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