My Favorite Books For Personal Development

Feb 12, 2023

Personal development, in my opinion, is a huge umbrella. It can mean anything! Anything that you want to grow in, you can. Business, health, finances, leadership, training a dog - literally the sky is the limit. There’s a book for that! Here is a list of some of my favorite books, in no particular order!

5 second rule - Mel Robbins - Anything by Mel is amazing. I have seen her speak too, she’s incredible!


The total money makeover – Dave Ramsey - This is a life changer!! Stop living your life paycheck to paycheck and completely stressed out. I am forever grateful to Dave Ramsey for teaching me his ways.


Body Love – Kelly Leveque - A great way of thinking about eating in a simple and easy to follow way.


Also, mind bowing information about food.


Girl Wash your faceRachel Hollis - I started my journey with Rachel Hollis and I still use some of her tools today - like daily gratitude!


Girl Stop apologizing Rachel Hollis


Didn’t see that comingRachel Hollis


Fierce Free and full of fire – Jen Hatmaker - Speaking of fire, this book lit me on fire. Jen Hatmaker is pretty awesome too (and funny)!


BecomingMichelle Obama - I couldn’t put this one down (I binged listened to it). I am not sure how much of it was personal development and how much of it was just sheer fascination with the Obama’s story, but I am leaving it on the list nonetheless.


The five love languages – Gary Chapman - This is a great foundational book for any couple who wants to learn more about how their significant other feels love. For me, it’s words of affirmation. For my hubs, it’s acts of service.


You are a badass – Jen Sincero - I love listening to this one. Another great one to fire you up!


Cure your child with food – Kelly Dorfman - If you have kids, PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS ONE. It’s about damn time that we stop pumping our kids full of sugar and wonder why they act out, can’t sleep, need lots of medical intervention at young ages, are over weight or become adults and become over weight. I don’t have children but I am highly passionate about how we feed the babies of the world because this is how we will end the illness cycle by teaching our younger generations about real health.


The compound effect – Darren Hardy - This is the OG for me! Everything that you do can fall into this compound effect thought process. This is a great foundational book to start with.


The impossible first – Collin O’Brady - talk about an inspiration. This book was another one that is a story with lessons throughout and very hard to put down.


Everything is Figureoutable – Marie Forleo - Marie brings the fire in this one and give you no BS. This is great for people starting or running their own business.


Limitless – Mallory Weggemann - If you don’t read this and immediately ditch all your excuses then I don’t know what to say. Mallory is amazing, her story is amazing!


Dream First, Details Later – Ellen Bennett - Another great one if you are starting a business of your own.


How to break up with your phone – Catherine Price - The statistics in this one are startling. I think this is especially important if you are parent, but everyone really needs to hear it. You need to know how constant access to these mini computers are effecting you and especially your children!!! We need to protect our kids and teach them a different, healthier way of living with technology. Think of it this way: would you give your kids access to a drawer full of pain killers with no oversight, no restrictions, no reason to even need them? I’m guessing no. But we are giving them a device that is designed to be addictive which is very much like giving them unrestricted access to drugs. *steps off soap box*


The High Five Habit – Mel Robbins - Have I mentioned that I love Mel?! I need her to be my new best friend. I really love listening to her books because she reads them and you just get her full personality (and commentary) along with the book she wrote. AMAZING.


Feeding you Lies – Vani Hari - This is a must read. This is where I really became aware and settled that most of what the big food industry and our government are telling us about nutrition is actually complete BS.


Cosmic Health – Jennifer Racioppi - This one was fascinating. If you are into cosmos you will love this book. Some of it was a bit over my head but the point of personal development is to learn something new or a different perspective.


Know yourself, know your money – Rachel Cruz - This is a great one for learning about how you grew up learning about money and how that shapes how you handle your money as an adult. Great Read!


The Magnolia Story – Chip & Joanna Gaines - This one is just fun! Who doesn’t love Chip & Joanna!

Dare to lead – Brene Brown - SOOOO GOOD. If you are a leader - this is a must read!


High Performance habits – Brendon Burchard - Another great one for leaders or aspiring leaders but anyone can benefit from learning the habits that will level you up! Brendon is a great dude - I love following him, listening to his books or any content he puts out.


Take back your time – Christy Wright - I reference this one in a recent blog on life balance. It is a really great read especially if you are a woman, a business owner or leader, a parent and you are f*cking overwhelmed.


Okay, believe it or not, I have read even more than this! I hope to put together another list soon but I think this will be enough to get your started! Remember, where you are right now is exactly where you are meant to be. Keep growing and keep going. <3


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